On Jul 26, 2009, at 10:28 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
There's a fallacy in your theory: you presume that all things of the same price are of equal quality and that nothing of a lower price can be of equal
or greater quality.

No. I look at quality and worry about the price later. Looks to me like you start with price and then try to scrounge up something that is not terrible. I'll admit that sometimes this works.

To make such a strategy work takes time and effort. To be accurate you need to add in a cost for that extra effort. Of course you may insist that your time is worth nothing. This could be true.

This strategy also increases risk since what you thought was good value may not turn out to be. Then you are stuck with a lemon and a company that does not stand behind its product. A proper calculation of cost would add in the value of the risk you are taking on.

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