If he is against the public option then he is against the people of this country and for the greedy corporations that make the costs so high. These costs are born by everyone now, including the small businesses and individuals he claims to be concerned about.

But I suspect you know this.

Rev. S Marshall wrote:
On the recent health care comments.

I got this from my congressman this weekend.  Note he is one of those blue dog 
democrats mentioned frequently on TV.

To be clear, I would vote against the bill if it came to a floor vote in its 
current form. I have serious concerns with the health care bill, specifically 
the inclusion of a public option and employer and individual mandates for 
insurance coverage. Additionally, the bill is paid for by increasing taxes on 
some small businesses and individuals, something that should never be done 
during a recession. We should be looking for ways to support and help small 
businesses, not hurt them.

The introduction of this health care bill is a first step in a long process and I will continue to follow its progress and continue to look for opportunities to make improvements to the bill. The Senate is currently working on a bipartisan health care solution and I am hopeful that the deliberative process produces a bill that is much better for the American people. The final product must be bipartisan, and it must use a market-based approach to address current problems in our nation’s health care. Regardless of the outcome, I will read the final bill closely and be well-informed on its content before voting on any legislation. -----------------------end quote-----------------


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