I have been in Canada many times. Ask the Canadians if they want the US Sstem...

You make sense!


-----Original Message-----
>From: b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es>
>Sent: Jul 26, 2009 10:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Health care debate
>Did you like the Canadian system when you lived there?
>Have you contacted your congessman to show support for public/private 
>system? Which company 'owns' him?
>Countries that have the best health care systems have universal health 
>care with a combination of public and private [nonprofit] insurance and 
>health care. The US is 37th. France is #1. Switzerland is high on the 
>list too; they banned for-profit insurance. In the Netherlands, the cost 
>of health insurance is $130/month and a 7.2% tax, with subsidies 
>available. Germany uses less than 11% of GDP for health care, but it's 
>better than in the US where it's well over 15% of GDP and rising fast.
>The big propaganda message is that a gummint bureaucrat will tell you 
>and your doctor what kind of health care you can have. That will be a 
>huge improvement over private for-profit insurance companies refusing to 
>pay for procedures that are basic parts of an annual physical. More than 
>once, our insurance companies have approved a procedure, then refused to 
>pay for it, resulting in hours, sometimes days, on the phone trying to 
>get them to pay for what they approved. Universal Medicare [or similar] 
>will be much better, since Medicare allows you to choose your doctors 
>and have them/you decide what kind of care you need.
>"Rev. S Marshall" <popoz...@earthlink.net> esceibió:
>> On the recent health care comments.
>> I got this from my congressman this weekend.  Note he is one of those
>> blue dog democrats mentioned frequently on TV.
>> -----------------------quote---------------- To be clear, I would
>> vote against the bill if it came to a floor vote in its current form.
>> I have serious concerns with the health care bill, specifically the
>> inclusion of a public option and employer and individual mandates for
>> insurance coverage. Additionally, the bill is paid for by increasing
>> taxes on some small businesses and individuals, something that should
>> never be done during a recession. We should be looking for ways to
>> support and help small businesses, not hurt them.
>> The introduction of this health care bill is a first step in a long
>> process and I will continue to follow its progress and continue to
>> look for opportunities to make improvements to the bill. The Senate
>> is currently working on a bipartisan health care solution and I am
>> hopeful that the deliberative process produces a bill that is much
>> better for the American people.  The final product must be
>> bipartisan, and it must use a market-based approach to address
>> current problems in our nation’s health care.  Regardless of the
>> outcome, I will read the final bill closely and be well-informed on
>> its content before voting on any legislation. 
>> -----------------------end quote-----------------
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