> It is time for legislation to set our cell phones free.

Just making cell phones free or independent of carriers likely won't
really improve things.  I point to the up and down ability of the Palm
pre to masquerade as an IPOD with Itunes under windows and on the Mac as
an example of what can be done even if phones could easily switch
networks and carriers.  I'm also cynical about the type of legislation
offered when said leglslators are willing to allow RIAA suits to proceed
with outrageous penalties for what amounts to a claim of copyright
infringement and unlawful distribution.  The legal penalties are
actually less for photocopying a book and distributing said photocopy
than downloading an MP3 and leaving it available to be distributed.

Apple is demonstrating no more greed than other corporations who can
assert control over what they have produced or offer for sale.  Any day
now I expect to see some OS asserting that users can't research how to
utilize another OS with that OS as a condition of use in the United

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