> Bottom like is that OS X is extremely hard to hack and these are
> still no viruses in the wild that attack Macs. Meanwhile there have
> been 10,000s that have attacked Windows. The latest (June) WildList
> (http://www.wildlist.org/WildList) shows 753 viruses currently
> circulating in the wild that attack Windows. That's the truth.

Sure.  And this is a fairly ignorant stance to take for an IT professional.
I suppose when your only tool is a hammer....

Anyone who reads industry rags should be well aware that the most common
vector for attacks to take place today is via 3rd party application
exploits.  The most exploitable flaws today are not from Windows, but from
Adobe Reader, Flash, QuickTime, Java and browsers, to name a few.  These are
usually the last thing to be patched on any system, which makes them
especially yummy for hackers.

I've noticed that Apple has stopped updating software on 10.3 systems.
QuickTime, Safari and iTunes are way out of patch on some of my Macs and
Software Update shows nothing amiss.  Odd for a company to abandon a product
after only 4 or 5 years.  

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