That will happen when people start thinking for themselves and seeing through corporate propaganda enough to vote for representatives who will work for us not corporations. Why is our health care [insurance] system so bad? How did we get the DMCA? How did the Supreme Court get stacked with corporate judges who almost always decide for corporations and against individuals? When the Congress flipped in 1994, the corporatists had more of a lock on Congress than they already had, scaring and threatening other members into going along with their antipeople agenda.

The education system keeps getting worse. How can people understand our government if there's no civics courses any more? How can people get a good education when inferior revisionist textbooks are sold nationally by one company in Texas, and there's too much testing, not enough thinking/analysis/writing? How can people make good decisions about voting when they can't even figure out which ads give accurate information about which computer to buy, and they don't know how to look up the specs and compare?

And when will that happen?  It's not going to happen under the current
administration.  Unless we dump every member of congress and the senate and
stop putting up with these idiots getting rich on our backs, nothing is
going to change except for the worse.
When we take back our government from the corporations, and remove
corporate personhood, then we might creep up to being 20th or maybe 10th.
With more people believing the corporate [insurance co., for-profit
providers] disinformation as you do, it will be a long time for us to get
into the top 10, if ever.

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