Were these larouchies upset because obama's plan isn't left enough?

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:03 AM, b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es> wrote:

> Obama's health "reform" is an exact copy of Hitler's t-4 program where
>> he stated  that lives not worth of life should be given a mercy death.
>> There is a very nice  pamphlet which explains this more fully at
>> http://www.larouchepac.com/files/media/Act_NowPOST.pdf so download
>> that.
>> No Nazi health care program in America!!
> I talked to a bunch of LaRouchies on Saturday about this. The propaganda
> they were handing out was full of lies and distortions--disguised racism,
> full of hate. The programs being discussed recently in Congress are more
> like the Dutch system. LaRouche took an aside comment that was a bad joke
> and is using it to slam Obama and Congress. BTW, is LaRouche still in jail?
> Bringing up Nazis means you have nothing more to say. Internet rules.
> *Godwin's law*! [a.k.a. Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies]
> End of your comments! Bye, bye.
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