> But if applications are fair game, MS released Internet Explorer
> 5.2 for OS X in 2002, stopped updating it in 2003, and officially
> ended support for it in 2005.

You're complaining?  You want it back?

And you're using a .x version as a scale?  That's almost honest.  Version 5
for OS X was released in 2000.  Support ended in 2005, 2 years after
development ended, which was the result of a 1997 agreement between Apple
and MS.  Apple replaced IE with Safari.


> Moving to something somewhat more analogous to an OS, I'd be
> interested in knowing if Silverlight 1 is still being supported.
> After all,
> I can imagine that there are people who would say that it works just
> fine for them and don't want the troubles of an upgrade, etc.

Iterative versions of Silverlight are free.  OS X upgrades, not so much.
And analogous to an OS, even less so much.  Actually, not at all; it's a
Flash competitor.

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