That neocon label you toss around is really a moving target, I can't get a
lock on who manages to become one of those except those who you don't agree
with and you don't want to actually debate and just start calling names.

BTW, the other boob that was elected is doing the same thing, he's just
better at it.

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 11:56 AM, TPiwowar <> wrote:

> On Aug 1, 2009, at 10:02 PM, Tony B wrote:
>> Glenn claims you better not visit (Cash for Clunkers)
>> website, or the feds will own your computer.
> Pretty typical con/neocon stuff. We see enough of that here. Some people
> just prefer to live in lalaland.
> Just imagine if John McCain had won the election boobs like this would be
> running the country and we would be facing the prospect of our grandchildren
> speaking Chinese instead of English.
> On Aug 1, 2009, at 10:02 PM, Tony B wrote:
>> I am unable to reproduce his claims.
> You are suppose to take these things on faith. Anything that smells even a
> little bit like science is likely to get you broken on the wheel.
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