There are differences between shines and monuments/memorials.

One is for the purposes of remembrance one is for the purpose of worship.

Most of the ones you mentioned are no longer with us, having been destroyed when the worship of those folks fell into abeyance.

Honestly I think a monument should be pout up for all former US presidents. It is no ordinary individual who becomes president and it is an awesome responsibility.

Agree with them or don't agree with them, it is not a free ride. I cannot remember what they say but it ages a man fast to be president.


At 08:44 PM 8/2/2009, you wrote:
There were monuments to Lenin, Stalin, Hussein, Mao, et. al.  Your

On Aug 2, 2009, at 9:35 PM, TPiwowar wrote:

On Aug 2, 2009, at 6:49 PM, Matthew Taylor wrote:
FDR was the last one to do such serious, systemic, harm that it the
effects are still active today.

That's why a grateful nation built a huge monument to honor him.

I know, I know, there is no such monument in lalaland.

BTW, it really is a great monument. If you haven't visited, put it
on your bucket list.

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