Might want to read The Forgotten Man for another view that isn't about
attacking or defending, but simply listing out facts and letting conclusions
be drawn by the reader.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Chris Dunford <seed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is a truly exceptional post, Constance. I could not find a snippet to
> quote that was any less relevant or important than any other, so I am doing
> something I never do: quoting the whole thing.
> Well done.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:
> computerguy...@listserv.aol.com] On Behalf Of Constance
> > Warner
> > Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 1:55 AM
> > Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Gubmint computer grab
> >
> > Oh, do get real.  In the 1930's, there was 25% unemployment [much
> > higher in some places], starvation, ecological collapse, foreign wars
> > on the horizon, large numbers of internally displaced people, native
> > fascism, a growing U.S. communist party [partly supported by the
> > Soviet Union], and an incipient class war.  Working conditions in
> > some places in this country [like my home state] were basically Early
> > Industrial Revolution--and, if you examine the history, it really was
> > as bad as you think.  Things were going to hell very, very fast, and
> > it took drastic action to drag the country back from the brink.
> > Complete recovery took awhile, but the early measures did help.
> >
> > The New Deal saved the country from a lot worse situation than we
> > have at present.  In fact, FDR's most notable achievement may have
> > been saving capitalism; to a lot of people at the time, communism and
> > similar systems were looking pretty good, compared to the mess that
> > they blamed, rightly or wrongly, on laissez-faire capitalism and Wall
> > Street speculators.  (And no cracks about "communism is what we have
> > now," please.  As an amateur Kremlinologist with a special interest
> > in the satellite countries--remember them?--I know the difference,
> > and so do you.)
> >
> > I'm a little chagrined that I let myself get baited into joining the
> > fray.  I just have to believe that the statements about FDR ruining
> > the economy are something in the matter of a joke, or at least an
> > exaggeration.  But in my home state, the scars of the Great
> > Depression are still visible, so I don't think it's particularly funny.
> >
> > And as for worship: I don't care who worships what, really.  I'm
> > actually more concerned about exaggerations and outright lies about
> > programs like the cash for clunkers program and other proposals of
> > this administration.  I won't even speculate about the motives of
> > people who lie and exaggerate, because they're sufficiently evident
> > not to need further exposition here.  The economy may be in better
> > shape than it was last fall, and some of the current programs seem to
> > be having some effect.  But the chances are NOT ZERO that we could
> > still have another Great Depression; and certain news [sic]
> > reporters, by trying to tear down any Democratic program they see,
> > and in particular by lying about those programs, seem to be pushing
> > us toward the edge of the cliff.
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