On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Jordan<jor17...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But if money is limited, and who's isn't, a good argument can be made for
> many people to stop pouring money into the moneypit that is Windows and the
> disposable computers that people are lured into buying.

  A good point if a user is having problems of one sort or another
under Windows.  However, I know of some Windows users who do have some
headaches under Windows. and periodically talk of moving to Macs, but
even when they have the chance to, choose not to do so.  One told me
that it is easy to get pirated software for their Windows machines,
and that is their reason for not changing.  Another said it was too
expensive to have to replace all their software, but as it turns out,
she really had very little that she would have to replace, and her
version of Photoshop onher Windows computer at home, the potentially
most expensive item, was pirated to begin with.

  It seems to come down to comfort levels, primarily.  The lady
mentioned above has a Mac available to her at work that has Photoshop
installed, yet she refuses to touch it, preferring instead to work on
picture files with some lame basic image editor that seemingly came
installed on the Dell she also has at work.  Go figure.  I say comfort
levels are at work.  Fear of the unknown.


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