On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 7:23 PM, b_s-wilk<b1sun...@yahoo.es> wrote:

> Living within our means includes planning ahead and getting the most useful
> and long-lived computer. A PC that costs $700 is more expensive than a Mac
> that costs $1200 due to installed hardware/software, versatility and
> longevity of the Macs.

  It is quite rare to see a Mac user give up that platform in favor of
Windows when we are talking about personal use of a computer.  It is
much more likely that a Windows user will move to Macintosh. The only
folks who might tend to disagree with this are also likely to be
birthers.  They tend to disagree with anything that is different from
what they have gotten used to.

  Yes, those Windows users can use their software investment on newer
Macintosh machines, so that old line is out the window (oops, no pun
intended.)  So we are either strictly down to initial financial
outlay, or as I have said before, comfort levels.  Macs just don't
look like computers are supposed to look.  They look weird.  They
mostly look like they are made of metal.  Aren't computers supposed to
be made of plastic?  Aren't desktop computers supposed to have boxy
towers in a putty gray?  What tha...??

  Comfort levels.


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