For maybe 20 years I've been putting Beltronics remote radar detectors in my cars. Crutchfield used to sell them. I don't know if they still do. But the receiver was mounted behind the car grill and a tiny unit is mounted inside the car, preferably out of site. Nothing blocking the view. Nothing for the public, or the police, to see.
In my opinion, an elegant solution.

rleesimon wrote:
Seems2me I recall, many moons ago, I bought an old fashioned original
Passport radar detector (around 1980, was $300+ back then, but after I got
nailed 3x in 1 week rushing to the hospital during my fellowship while on
call, I bit the bullet...bought one offa ebay for the wife 2 yrs ago for $10
shipped) and around that time they published a set of data they had
commissioned by some independent organization showing drivers having radar
detectors in use were more cautious and safer than the rest...I think we
need a little data here, eh?

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