Tom, the gun is not a computer gadget, and a bus is not a car.  Also, was
that kid the only one who was safe on that bus?  Third, were you safer on
that bus or walking down the street?  Fourth, what kinda gun do you carry?
Last, does the computerized aiming mechanism with facial recognition and
wifi or wimax database updates from the FBI and Interpol databases run on PC
or MAC or is it, as I suspect you are also concealing, a Linux device??  Did
you take the same bus to VA to get it at a gun show?  If I like what you
report, I'll take 2, of course, if the price is right!!

-----Original Message-----
From: TPiwowar [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: Computer gadgets in cars

On Aug 9, 2009, at 2:57 AM, Jeff Miles wrote:
> I've always wondered why gun toting was disallowed in the first  
> place. If I was a petty thief, the last person I'd try to mug is a  
> gun toting person. On the other hand I have to think of the general  
> common sense of the population. What happens when a person carries  
> both a cell phone and a gun and the cell phone rings?

Have you ever ridden a bus and had a 14 year old get on with a pistol  
tucked in his belt? That moment has a lot to do with my opinion on  
guns. I got off at the next stop and walked the rest of the way home.

Are  people routinely shot down in the streets of your town? Are  
people afraid to go out of their houses at night? Do stray shots  
shatter the windows of your homes while you cower behind the couch?  
Do you really think that is a good way to live?

Do you really think being able to shoot back is going to improve the  
situation? The more lead we have flying the more innocent people will  
be killed.

Why can't I carry a loaded gun into the Capitol? Pass that law first.  
Quit the hypocrisy.

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