It can be fairly said MS was late to the party to be sure, but come they
have and ready to roll.  The zune's audio processor is considered to be
superior to the ipods, it's interface is at worst just fine.  What is there
to complain about except the lateness issue?

There is talk on the blogs about how aged the ipod has become of late,
especially in reference between the iphone and palm pre.  How long till we
can run more then one app on the iphone?  Zero customization on the home
screen for the iphone is geting long in the tooth.  Android is going to keep
getting better, and it will offer a wide variety of customizations for the
entire device that will continue to entice all kinds of users.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Jeff Wright <> wrote:

> > I was thinking of asking myself but I'm sure we'll get more TomLogicT
> I believe 'logic' is spelled with a 'k' in that instance.
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