Another view on HP scanners:

I have a dr's office that has scanned over 56,000 patient records/files into .PDF's and their HP scanners, while not the cheap ones, have worked very well and produced quality scans. It has saved them considerable floor space for file cabinets.

Another law office scans their old client files into .pdf's and the HP scanner has worked fine for a long time.

But: they both have a dedicated workstation that does the scanning and the output goes to a network drive.

I have had zero problems with them..

At 04:09 AM 8/8/2009, "t.piwowar" <> wrote:
HP has a terrible track record when it comes to device drivers. I have
seen them include drivers that were years out of date and seen their
installers scramble both Macs and PCs. I have made a lot of money over
the years thanks to HP. General advice is to avoid HP unless you know
a lot about what you are doing. Every HP scanner that I have seen (and
I see them rarely) has been bizarre.

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