Wow. What a wacky take on things. I think the distortions we're seeing
are due to the fact that you're asking the question on a mailing list,
which still has some members that have never done it any other way.
But 'web' forums are much older than mailing lists (they used to be
called 'bulletin boards') and can do anything a mailing list can and
then some.

Web forums can be set up to send you emails when people post. And they
can even be set up to take your email responses. This isn't a
particularly popular way of doing things, but it's not unheard of.

It's hard to draw a direct comparison because a lot depends on how
things are set up. This list for example, allows no attachments at
all. In fact, it doesn't even allow you to underline or bold your
text. And it doesn't store any messages.

I'd like to say the biggest difference is that mail lists require you
to receive new messages in your email as soon as someone sends them.
This is true on this list, but Yahoo 'mail' lists allow you to browse
online and never actually ever receive an email from them at all!

I think the real reason web forums have taken off lately is because
they're just better at handling large amounts of messages in a
universal threaded manner. Today's email clients have gotten better at
threading, but once a discussion goes beyond 10-20 posts, few people
want to store all that at home. Of course, even this is changing with
clients like Gmail as there's almost no reason to ever delete a

Still, pick any busy forum and try to imagine dealing with that amount
of email.  e.g. the Corvette Forum (
with 75,000 posts last week. No Way! My own small community forum had
1257 posts last week; no one person wants to read a tenth of that, so
why would anyone want to receive all those emails?

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