Once again Tom's reason wins out.  Child porn is why apple won't allow Opera
to put a web browser on the iPhone.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 9:10 AM, TPiwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Aug 9, 2009, at 8:15 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
>> The lawyers are either employees
>> or consultants.  They do not run Apple Corp. unless something is rotten in
>> Cupertino.
> I've written about imperial IT, many corps have the same problem with
> Legal. Management does not understand the law and gives Legal free reign.
> Many nutty things happen. Many people sue Apple over the most trivial
> things. I can see Apple erring on the side of safety. Legal won't be put in
> its place until it becomes very apparent that it is doing severe damage.
> Even then a compromise may be hard to find.
> Consider what would happen to Apple if an uncontrolled App Store started
> distributing apps that showed child porn.
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