Even if you find something like that (or make it with a couple of pieces of "5/4" wood strip, I don't think you would be very happy with a keyboard being up in the air like that - it would be quite awkward/uncomfortable to use for more than a few minutes. When I use my laptop at home with an external keyboard, I leave it closed and just hook up an external monitor of some kind.


Fred Holmes wrote:
I'm looking for an external keyboard, for a notebook computer, that
would sit on top of the notebook computer's keyboard, instead of "in
front of" the notebook computer.  The keyboard might have "pedestals"
on each end to support it over the notebook body, instead of having
it rest on the notebook keyboard.

Anyone seen such a beast, or a better solution?

When a "standard" keyboard is placed "in front of" a notebook
computer, the display is moved too far away for my liking, and also
too much [physical] desk top real estate is occupied.


Fred Holmes

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