Your cell phone already has the water find in humidity.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 8:52 AM, b_s-wilk <> wrote:

> > Apple cooks up a scheme so creepy that it would give me second thoughts
>>> > about buying one of their products. A built-in system of sensors to
>>> monitor
>>> > and log "customer abuse" which apparently includes jailbreaking your
>>> iphone
>>> > that has the ability to shut down the product and void the warranty.
>>> This is
>>> > far creepier than Windows genuine advantage.
>>  I have long lamented the fact that Apple decided to hitch its cart
>> to phones, music sales and music players.  The one and only affinity I
>> have for Apple is with their desktop and portable computers and I wish
>> their primary focus had remained there.  I fully realize that the
>> iPhone and the iPod made mega-bucks for Apple, but that fact is likely
>> at the root of the problem as described in the article.
> How many people brought Apple products to be repaired under warranty
> that were broken due to user abuse rather than product defects? Plenty
> of them--enough to create this rumor. The warranty covers defects, not
> abuse.
> However the "water detector" designed in northern California, where it's
> usually dry, won't work in Maryland or any place on the East or Gulf
> coasts where humidity is very high. High humidity could cause the
> detector to register as wet when it's the air that's saturated, rather
> than the device having been wet or submerged.
> Apple will probably develop a device to make up for humidity, if they do
> anything at all. It's a rumor.
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