It deosn't depend...these dots have been on your cell phones for *years*.
We already know how they work and behave.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 12:33 PM, b_s-wilk <> wrote:

> There are no reports that these dots activate in humid weather, or at least
>> that there is any inherent problem with that.
> Perhaps--depends on how sensitive these dots are. What if the shock
> detector [sudden motion sensor] in your MacBook Pro gets set off when you
> drop your laptop bag after 6 months but your MBP keeps working, and the
> sensor records the incident?  Then after 18 months the HD fails. Apple opens
> it up and says "nope, this was shocked." You try, to no avail, explaining
> that it worked for a whole year after the shock so the shock couldn't be to
> blame for the HD failure. Today you can turn that feature on or off, but
> will that choice be there in the future?
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