Well, you could set up an insecure Drupal website if you didn't
really know what you were doing.  But given that the list of Drupal's
users includes many really big names in IT (including the security
company Symantec), e-commerce sites, etc., it would seem
that it can't be too hard to set up a fairly safe system.  I haven't
heard of FedEx or ABC being hacked recently.

What CMS would you prefer the govt. to use?

From:    Allen Firstenberg <cg...@addventure.com>

I'm not Tom, but I'll give the #1 reason to avoid drupal:  PHP
And they do have serious problems with it. Very serious problems. PHP is a security nightmare of epic proportions. If Microsoft made PHP, we'd be constantly talking about how there was another security vulnerability every week... and thats very much PHP's reputation. It has security mis- designs
that have carried over since its earliest days, and only recently even
barely addressed - and those recent fixes have broken some major code,
including drupal.

There are lots of good reasons to use drupal... but PHP is the biggest
reason to avoid it like industrial farm waste.

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