Hold on, you need to give some warning so I can get my hip boots on before
you start shoveling this much high end shite.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:01 AM, TPiwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> Looks like the price tag ($18M) is for 5 years of work with an ambitious
> mission statement and new content constantly added. Our cons/neocons had
> made it sound like it was for a weekend's work. They lied to us for 8 years
> and I guess it is hard to break a habit.
> "Agencies are starting to see that government needs to be part of this
> larger information ecosystem," said Sheila Campbell, co-chairwoman of the
> Federal Web Managers Council. "Managing the Web isn't just managing the Web
> site. It means putting the content out where people are on the Web."
> Great dot-gov Web Sites 2009
> http://gcn.com/Articles/2009/07/27/GCN-Great-Gov-Web-Sites-2009.aspx
> Go visit these government sites and enjoy a job well done!
> Don't miss the contrast between the really good government sites and the
> shabby GCN site. Do note "aspx" at the end of the GCN URL. (ASP.NET is a
> web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft.  Ho, ho, ho.)
> I have analyzed the code of some of these dot-gov sites and, as I wrote
> before, they are very well crafted. Lots to learn from their example.
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