I haven't been following this thread, but after seeing this post this
morning I had to go back and look. And I just have to ask: How the heck did
you guys get off in some apparently completely different direction here?

Certainly neither of you is suggesting his slow boot has to do with his
drive being vibrated by a fan????

And what's this about "live and learn"? What exactly are we suppose to learn
- that fans can cause so much vibration in a computer that the bearings in
your hard drive will be affected? The word "poppycock" comes to mind.

Look, I'm not from Missouri, but in this case I really don't think
propagating this type of myth is going to assist the list discussion at all.

But maybe I shouldn't have said anything, and instead waited for one of you
to suggest he get a SSD drive! Or are those affected by vibrators also?

> drives could withstand a bit of vibration.  Now I know better.  Live and
>> learn.
>>  If getting to the HDD is any easier, you could look into getting some
> silicon washers and longer bolts and add a bit if vibration isolation to the
> drive.

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