On Aug 22, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Tony B wrote:
No, you will have a hard time convincing me a fan of any type could vibrate enough to cause an r/w error on a drive. But be aware - cosmic rays *can* cause errors. Not as many as 'normal' causes, but surely it happens. Anyway, that's what chkdsk is for. If my systems crash suddenly for any reason, I
run a full chkdsk on all the drives afterwards.

Worrying that fan vibration might damage the data on the drive is definitely obsessive compulsive behavior. If the vibration were that severe you would not be wanting to be in the same room with this computer. A quick solution to fan noise is to unplug the fan or stick a fork in its blades. Of course, an obsessive compulsive person would then go bonkers because the fan was not running.

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