On Aug 22, 2009, at 9:50 PM, Jordan wrote:
My 2 year old intel iMac won't boot. I got a grey kernel crash screen yesterday, but it restarted and ran fine in the evening so I didn't take any time to investigate. This evening it started strangely, displayed properly, but would not run Eye TV. I tried to restart it and now all it does is play the audio crescendo, sounds like it reads the hard drive for a moment and then does nothing else. No display. I put the OS DVD in and started, holding C, and it makes noises like it's reading the DVD but gives up in a few moments.
I tried resetting the NVRAM, but it won't reset it. No beeps.

Instead of starting up with Command-C, do the same with Command- Option-Shift-Delete held down. If you succeed with startup it would indicate a hardware problem with the disk drive.

The drive is easy to swap out on that model (if I'm guessing your model right). Restoring from your TimeMachine backup will get you back running quickly.

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