I live in No. Va. also and use T-Mobile pre-paid for uses like you describe.
- low cost: first year I paid $100 for 1000 min.  Used 500 in first year, 
second year is $50 for another year.  Hard to beat $4 per month.
Disadvantages: T-Mobile coverage is spotty. OK here. Non-existent or weak other areas. Need to check coverage map for where you go.

I also have T-Mobile. Has great coverage where I need it except at home. Have to go outside to make phone calls. Thank goodness for land lines.

I've been considering buying either a DuoSim to put two SIM cards in my phone, or GSM 6 in 1 or SIM Max cloner card that can hold 6 or 12 different cellular account numbers on one SIM card. This is so I can use one or more secondary service [SpeakOut, Net10, etc.] that uses the AT&T network where I have no T-Mobile coverage. Using 2 or 3 different accounts as PAYGO will still cost less than a monthly account.

Has anyone tried the 'GSM 6 in 1' or 'SIM Max' cloner cards? Chad?

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