Okay, Chris, I guess I am getting miffed at the cross-jabs on this one.
Seems to be lame attempts at petty one-ups.  I think his small point was
OS X does not need to be re-installed to go between 32- and 64-bit.  A
small thing, but a better design.  M$ often charges for these
differences.  I'm not really looking for a response, but do if this
offends; it isn't meant to.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
Mark, where exactly did I "slam" $now Leopard? I don't have any problem
with either approach. I just think it's amusing that TP manages to find
that defaulting to a 32-bit kernel in a 64-bit OS is superior
engineering. If MS did that, he'd be dripping with contempt and sarcasm,
and saying "Why am I not surprised?", and we all know it.

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