I had a similar issue after I upgraded where I got an error message stating that Firefox was already open, and I needed to close before I could open a new browser. Booted in safe mode and still had the issue. I ended having to uninstall (delete files option), delete the registry keys under HKLM/software/mozilla/firefox. I deleted every key that mentioned firefox. Restarted pc, reinstalled firefox, updated then imported my bookmarks. ( Forgot to mention I copied my profile to a USB stick before the uninstall) Everything is fine now, but when it was not responding correctly at the beginning I started having doubts about my beloved Firefox.

I started using Firefox 3.5.2 on my Mac. So far it's OK. It has a redundant tab with a plus sign on it that I'd like to get rid of, but can't find a pref or config for that yet. I also had to reset some of the Applications' actions. Otherwise, so far, so good.

I downloaded the Mozilla SeaMonkey beta last week and it insisted that another version was running [it wasn't]. Where does this come from? I decided to clean up my hard drive and wait for the SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 1.x or beta 2, rather than begin testing an app that refuses to load, http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.0b1. On the brighter side, this version didn't warn that it might erase my hard drive or set my computer on fire.

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