Many moons ago, Adobe was promising "multiple masters" typefaces that had 
continuously variable weighting (or a large number of small increments, not 
just "regular" and "bold" weighting).  I never saw it come to fruition.  Are 
there any typefaces available for purchase / use with variable weighting?  TT 
as well as PS?  TT preferred, I guess. (Maybe high end Adobe products come with 
multiple masters?  But I don't see the term used in advertising.)

My immediate need is simple, a Courier just like the Courier that is in the old 
Pacific Data Products Postscript "font" cartridge for the original/early HP 
LaserJet printers.  The weighting is significantly heavier than the weighting 
of the Courier New typeface that comes with Windows and Office.

But I'd really like them for many/all typefaces.  I find that when the font 
size is much greater or smaller than the customary 10 pt or 12 pt, the 
weighting provided by the scaling of size isn't really "pleasing to the eye."


Fred Holmes

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