* Synonyms: baffle, becloud, befuddle, bewilder, *cloud*, complicate, conceal, confound, darken, fog


_Not every cloud has a silver lining_

There's something you won't see mentioned by too many advocates of cloud computing – the main attraction is making money from you

    * Cory Doctorow
    * guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 2 September 2009 18.00 BST

The tech press is full of people who want to tell you how completely awesome life is going to be when everything moves to "the cloud" – that is, when all your important storage, processing and other needs are handled by vast, professionally managed data-centres.

Here's something you won't see mentioned, though: the main attraction of the cloud to investors and entrepreneurs is the idea of making money from you, on a recurring, perpetual basis, for something you currently get for a flat rate or for free without having to give up the money or privacy that cloud companies hope to leverage into fortunes...


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