Good point. Mail issues are often not your host's fault at all.
Rather, some overactive spam filter somewhere. We've been banned from
AOL longer than we've been allowed.

First I try to select a host near my client base. No point in starting
out with a 250ms ping to the server. Next I would log into their
support forum and check the types of problems being discussed. See if
staff is readily available or are trying to hide. Are they updating
things regularly?

On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 11:58 AM, TPiwowar<> wrote:
> I'm currently troubleshooting email non-delivery for a client. One of their
> important vendors can't send them email reliably. I found the vendor's
> host's email server blacklisted by Vendor reports spending
> "hours" on the phone with GoDaddy with no resolution.
> Before selecting a host I would check out their mail servers at
> to see if they run a sloppy shop. This site will
> chack an IP against a long list of blacklists.
> Do folks know any other good ways to check out a host?

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