On Sep 5, 2009, at 12:32 PM Sep 5, Tony B wrote:
Good point. Mail issues are often not your host's fault at all.
Rather, some overactive spam filter somewhere. We've been banned from
AOL longer than we've been allowed.

My meaning was completely the opposite. Badly-run email servers are the responsibility of the hosting service. When the hosting service does not do their jobs right they facilitate spammers.

It is not hard to stay on AOL's good side. AOL has lots of online material and tools to facilitate being a good emailer. If you are the server admin you can even sign up to have AOL forward all emails it bounces to you. AOL works hard to keep spam under control and to play well with others. If you are banned from AOL I would take a long hard look at your hosting service.

Consider how long this list has been in existence and how many times you have seen spam here. AOL has done a great job. It is the Comcasts, Coxes, and Verizons that cause us problems.

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