Jeff Wright
>> OK on the Mackey thing.  Yes I did read it, and he has
>> some great things to say, HOWEVER.

>> You must have government mandate minimums.  If they do
>> not many companies will try and fly through with a
>> bunch of worthless insurance.

> Rev, now you miss his point.  If you allow companies to
> compete over state lines, removing their captive
> audience, you won't *need* mandates.  That's what
> competition is best at providing: choice.

I'm behind on my email, but one problem is that anymore
there are few actual insurance companies.  The big ones keep
buying the smaller ones to limit competition.

> It's also good at providing lower cost alternatives.

Hmmmm, it seems that they are good at dropping people who
actually need to use their services.  See examples of
"recision" by the health insurance companies.  If someone
gets sick and starts costing them money hurting the profit
potential of the company, the insurance company finds a way
to ditch the person/company.


>> What we need is more health plans like this
>> right????????????????

> No, what we need are more companies to provide
> competitive pressure.  Your company doesn't provide it?
> That's OK, these 6 others do.  Let markets do what they
> do best: weed out the losers.

Hmmm, update - 4 companies, the other two were bought out.

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
I parked my Hard Disk and now I can't find it.

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