Not only do you have to pay but their scales in many cases are not regulated. (Paid a $50 penalty on a flight recently for an overweight bag. One between the two of us. )

Read a story about an airport where they went through and calibrated the scales. Many were off by a few pounds.


At 03:17 AM 9/8/2009, you wrote:
        This is a terrible comparison. But if you must, the airline travel
industry has also gone to hell. I don't know how much you fly, but
it's miserable today as compared to 20 years ago. A couple of weeks
ago Alaska airlines started charging for even my first checked bag.
And they don't bother telling you this till you're at the counter. So
go to the airport with cash in your pocket.
        The seating space on planes has decreased. No movies unless you pay
for the headsets. And you get meals on a long flight if you pay for
them. But all of this of course is if you are flying coach. First
class is a different story, and the only thing I'd fly nowadays on a
flight longer then 4 hours. But then again, you have to pay for it.
Hmmm, coach healthcare and then first class healthcare if I'm willing
to pay for it. What a concept.

Jeff Miles

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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