Wow, when did Spirit and Opportunity learn to work on their own? I wonder if the people who get paid to drive them know this. If they are working on there own, what do you think they're thinking? "There's a rock, let's flip it over." Or maybe, "damn it's dusty today." Or maybe, "Hey Opportunity, find anything interesting yet?" "Nope, I got stuck in a crater for a bit though." "Speaking of that, hows the foot?" "Oh, what a drag."

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 10, 2009, at 12:56 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:

Huh? I thought NASA's moon program is, unfortunately, still alive and sorta on schedule. We're abandoning our plans for a space station after our
commitments are done and putting all our eggs into Ares/Orion.
As of this moment, it still is alive. However, a White House panel of experts has recommended canceling the moon plan in favor of other ways to get to Mars. I wish they'd recommended canceling the whole manned space program instead. It's staggeringly expensive and serves no clear purpose. Satellites and robots can do far more for far less.

Spirit and Opportunity rovers have been on Mars for six years, since June/July 2003. They work on their own, make basic decisions on their own, send useful data back to the earth, don't complain, don't need food, clean themselves by finding dust devils. And Spirit has a broken wheel, is on low power due to lack of winter sunshine.

Rovers were on a 90 day mission, now 6 years. Could humans do any better? Not likely. The next places to study are Europa or Titan, where you can't send people, but satellites provide plenty of good data. There's no scientific reason to send humans to space except maybe to repair satellites. But does it cost more for a space mission or to launch a new satellite [more space junk]? The technology isn't ready for a long mission with astronauts.

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