There is an old saying, and judging by the posts on here it is 100% accurate:  
You can't reason people out of positions they didn't reason themselves into.  
Too many people are partisan without ever really thinking about things.  

What I am looking for is the truth about health care.  Obama didn't write the 
bill and he hasn't read it.  Much of it is so vague it's impossible to tell 
what they mean...and that means it will be decided by some radical judge when 
the lawsuits are filed.

One can draw some conclusions from the health care debate...this chief among 
them:  Obama is a radical liberal at best...a socialist at worst.  Same with 
Pelosi and Reid.  I can't imagine any clear thinking person anywhere wants our 
country run by radicals of any party.

Educate yourself.  Keep an open mind.  Gather all the facts, then make up your 
mind.  Too many people make up their minds and ignore the facts if they don't 
agree with their position.  We have plenty of those people in this list, that's 
for sure.

Watch the link if you have an open mind.  If you want the truth, and what's 
best for the country.  If you are a socialist, at least be honest and admit it 
because that's the direction the democrats in Washington are taking us.

I find this to be true also:  The greedy aren't the capitalists.  They are 
trying to make a living and I say power to them.  It's the socialists who are 
selfish and greedy and I might add, cowardly.  They want somebody else to give 
them everything because they lack the intestinal fortitude to work hard.  They 
are spoiled brats who can't fend for themselves, or who waste the money they do 
have living in homes they can't afford, driving cars they can't afford, while 
living a lifestyle they can't afford.  They CHOOSE not to buy we 
need to subtract them from the 15% without insurance in this country...and that 
leaves us with 5 to 7% of our population uninsured.

It is insane to wreck our health care system for drug addicts, the mentally ill 
and the lazy.

Obama claims that nationalizing health care will create jobs.  The only jobs 
that will be created are government jobs.  Government produces no wealth and 
adds absolutely nothing to the gross national product.

Obama claims that nationalizing health care will reduce the deficit.  It's a 
lie, plain and simple.  He can't be that stupid to think increasing the 
national debt by 9 trillion dollars reduces the debt, the deficit or will 
balance the budget.  We have a segment of our population who must never have 
studied math...those numbers don't add up.

Final straw:  The politicians and the unions in this country are exempt.  
Politicians, or soon to be known as the ruling class, will have BETTER health 
care plans than you and I if this insanity known as Obamacare passes.  Why?  
Well...they are the elite ruling class, we are the masses.  And the 
unions...well, the unions destroyed the auto industry.  That's not a debatable 
point.  This is payback for supporting Obama, same as funding the south 
american oil company was payback to Soros for his support...he just happened to 
have invested heavily in that company a few months earlier.  Can anyone say, 
"insider trading"?

Corrupt from top to bottom, the Obama administration and the democrat party is.

That's the way it is.

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