Wow what memories. I used to have a print of that New Yorker cover hanging on my wall. The 80's, where did they go?

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 10, 2009, at 11:18 PM, t.piwowar wrote:

On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:21 PM, Jeff Morris wrote:
One can draw some conclusions from the health care debate...this chief among them: Obama is a radical liberal at best...a socialist at worst. Same with Pelosi and Reid. I can't imagine any clear thinking person anywhere wants our country run by radicals of any party.

There you go again. Throwing around words as substitutes for thought. You throw around "liberal" and "socialist" as if they were dirty taboo words that are supposed to shut off all thinking and discussion. Instead they represent the best that mankind has to offer. They are the message of our greatest moral thinkers, Jesus to name just one. You are so far out on the right wing that when you look over at the sensible center it is so so far away from you that you can't even see the left wing.

You are like that famous New Yorker cover:

And you probably believe this one is true:

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