> When they can't argue facts, the Democrats will argue spelling apparently.
> Or call names.

Come on, Mike. First, facts HAVE been argued here, rather extensively. Second, 
"Democrat party" -IS- name-calling. It's intentional and demeaning. Wikipedia 
characterizes it as an "epithet". Joseph
McCarthy used it repeatedly. The intent was to try to emphasize that the 
Democratic Party was no longer democratic (small d). When you use it, either 
it's intentional or it demonstrates ignorance of
the correct name of one of the two major American political parties. Either 
way, it provides information about the person using it and how seriously such a 
person needs to be taken.

And as far as name-calling goes, I'm a regular poster on several conservative 
forums. If I had a buck for every time I've been called a moron, an idiot, a 
dimwit, a troll, or a retard, I could retire
today. Name-calling is the specialite de la maison at many of those places.

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