Lack of an optical drive for burning DVDs isn't necessarily an obstacle in a 'netbook'. The SD card slot can make up for DVD burner and hard drive or small flash drive. You can save to the SD card the kinds of things you'd normally burn to disk, and your "drive space" is limited only by the number of SD cards you can afford to buy and carry without losing them. You can burn to DVD, etc. when you get back to your main computer.

Most netbooks are hardly replacement notebooks. They're more like very big PDAs--cheaper too. A netbook won't replace your computer if your needs are much more than Internet and basic word processing, maybe touching up or cropping a photo--unless they're full featured UMPCs which often cost more than a regular size PC. Keep the desktop. Save for a real [uncrippled] notebook.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Reid Katan <> wrote:

Quoting Ranbo <>:

 But from the responses, guess a netbook can't be a full substitution for a
desktop (what I have now) or a laptop, if it doesn't have CD or DVD
I was hoping to be able to substitute a laptop (which I don't think I can
afford presently) or netbook for a regular Dell desk top, but sounds like
netbooks would be more of a supplement.  Other than the lack of drives and
maybe keyboard size, sounds like it could do most of what I would need,

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