Are you saying the HP you owned would install NEW software
you did not already have installed or was updating software on your system
already?  Also, there is a very easy solution to these so called
undocumented programs...hit the start button.

The Windows PCs don't have a list of preinstalled software [Dell doesn't count--it a was used PC], and they can do updates without permission depending on OS and user. Yes, I can go to Start, but why not disclose info without searching? The new PCs didn't even have install disks--had to make my own. All my Macs had install disks, plus extras.

The confusion is with the name of the app, "Apple Software Update", not with the choices it gives--and they're choices, not backdoor secret installations. ASU description sez: "Call it a Software Update...In addition to releasing new versions of the system software at regular intervals, Apple also releases a stream of free software updates to enrich your computing experience..."

ASU doesn't necessarily search your computer before giving a list. It shows a list of software available for your system whether the original is installed or not [exception is updates to installed OS]. You can CHOOSE whether or not to install. I wouldn't know about many useful items unless they told me. It's easier to install/update software from the ASU app instead of downloading and using a stand-alone installer.

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