The Washington DC Fox outlet, WTTG, on their morning newscast today,
had a review of Windows 7.  Some Windows "expert," I failed to get his
name, was on-air offering his opinions of Windows 7.  He was less than
enthused about the product.  While saying it seemed to be better than
Vista, running smoother and fixing some security holes, he said it
presented a few new issues that will need to be addressed through
"Service Packs."  The reviewer's lack of enthusiasm was palpable, and
apparently as a result of that, the host of the segment tried mightily
to elicit some truly positive statements from her guest, even trying
to get him to say if the new release would help boost Windows
popularity versus Macintosh.  However, in the final analysis, he
failed to provide anything but a lukewarm view of the OS.  His overall
impression was one of indicating that Windows 7 was an attempt to flee
from Vista without really saying so, while ending up providing a
slightly better experience but nothing worthy of writing home about.


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