> Hey young fella!
> Old people invented "the cloud" many years ago. Do you remember ARPANET? I
> do. I used it. I used punch cards for Fortran programs that I fed into a
> Burroughs mainframe that was the 3400 block of Market Street in Philly.

You mean good old Unicol.  I spent quite a few nights fretting over a pile
of punch cards that were my FORTRAN program to generate the first 6 prime
fibbonacci numbers.   It was cheaper to use Drexel's computer lab but I ran
a few things at the mother ship

OMG, were you a classmate??? Decima Anderson?

It was scary carrying a week's worth of punch cards four blocks [it was 3600 block, not 3400] without dropping them and spending hours to put them back in order. I remember Burroughs, what it looked like, but not the model. One of the other computers had all those blinking lights that were fun to watch, like in the old sci fi movies. BTW, I was an art major, taking Fortran programming for "fun".

I like my iMac better.


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