Question: Is there a newbie-friendly website that provides very good online advice on using Macs, especially regarding security and networking wireless and hard line?

Story behind the question: A friend in a different city bought a Macbook Pro recently and has moved to an apartment where the internet line is shared with other users. The others are windows users and they gave her the password to their network but she still couldn't get it to connect and they said they didn't know how to set up a Mac . . . so she's stuck. I told her that the network security should work essentially the same and that probably it's an issue of making sure the encryption type is correct for the wireless and that automatic IP detection was set for the hard line. I couldn't think of other reasons why she wouldn't be able to get online though I'm not able to tell her over the phone how to check these steps because I too am unfamiliar with Macs. And though I can usually figure stuff out if I have the machine in front of me, this is long distance. So I thought I'd find something online that's reliable that we could both check to assist with trouble-shooting. I appreciate any advice or suggestions people might have for where to look. Book suggestions also welcome. Thanks!

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