I SMS from Skype.

----- Original Message ----- From: "mike" <xha...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] SMS on iPod Touch

Or just use an app from the app store

On Nov 4, 2009 5:11 PM, "tjpa" <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

On Nov 4, 2009, at 12:31 PM, b_s-wilk wrote: > > What I can't do is receive
SMS texts. I'm looking f...
http://www.developershome.com/sms/#quickGuideNonDevelopers says...
There are three ways to receive SMS messages using your computer / PC:

1) Connect a mobile phone or GSM/GPRS modem to a computer / PC. Then use the
computer / PC and AT commands to get the received SMS messages from the
mobile phone or GSM/GPRS modem.

2) Get access to the SMS center (SMSC) or SMS gateway of a wireless carrier.
Any SMS messages received will be forwarded to your computer / PC using a
protocol / interface supported by the SMSC or SMS gateway.

3) Get access to the SMS gateway of an SMS service provider. Any SMS
messages received will be forwarded to your computer / PC using a protocol /
interface supported by the SMS gateway.

There are services that provide access to an SMS gateway. SMSs sent to the
gateway are rerouted to your email or an inbox.

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