You can drop a pc into a vat of olive oil? I believe and it'll run like th

On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Roger D. Parish <>wrote:

> At 11:08 AM -0500 11/13/09, Victor Subervi wrote:
>  Hi;
>> I live on a boat. Salt air is notorious for killing electronics. I'm
>> building a new computer. I'm adding a water cooling system so I can
>> eliminate fans (not for speed). Now I'm wondering if I can seal the box up
>> so no air enters. Ideas? Anybody tried this?
> I saw an article in Maximum PC about a computer whose ENTIRE case was
> filled with some sort of coolant solution. That'll keep out the salt!
> --
> Roger
> Lovettsville, VA
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