"Google is your friend" ....  see:
http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGLS_enUS335US337&aq=f&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=b.exe <http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGLS_enUS335US337&aq=f&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=b.exe>


Robert Carroll wrote:
Update on dead computer -- a HP desktop with Windows XP Home. Daughter bought a power supply for $20, installed it, and the computer runs.

She mentioned afterwards that a downloaded iTunes video would play only very slowly. I asked her about her antivirus software -- she had none. I advised to download AVG and Malwarebytes. She did, found some viruses with AVG; Malwarebytes wouldn't install. Soon after removing viruses, computer boots only to a blank screen but with wallpaper. Safe mode shows only black screen but for "safe mode" in four corners. No start button. Task Manager shows many processes running including "b.exe" which might be a virus.

Because HP, no Windows CD available. Tried "boot to last good" but failed -- same result. Tried everything else can think of short of the HP recovery program. The recovery program starts from C: drive and says that all applications will be deleted, OS repaired, but that data will be retained. She worries that she will loose Dreamweaver, which costs $500 but she got free when she was in a class at Eastman School of Music two years ago. (Her full backup to external HD was a year ago.)

By now, she might have tried the HP recovery program, don't know. Any advise?

b_s-wilk wrote:
BIOS battery? Bad RAM?

There's some amazing deals coming up next week and for Christmas. BLACK FRIDAY! YES!! Or she can buy $1100 worth of software with $1450 in rebates and use the difference to get a free computer.


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