On Nov 26, 2009, at 7:49 PM, Stephen Brownfield wrote:
How hard is it to learn and use Dreamweaver? I currently use Contribute to manage a web site, but at time find it a little lacking. I have never really worked with HTML.

This would be easier to answer if you gave me a clue about the things you find lacking. Contribute is less restrictive than many CMSs, but is still very restrictive. There are many directions to go.

Dreamweaver is a great program. However, Dreamweaver is a big program. It leaves you swimming in options and doesn't provide a good way to manage its own complexity. Most people only use a fraction of Dreamweaver's features because the other features are there for people with different needs, but all the features are there in front of you all the time. You also have to bring to it a good knowledge of web technology as Dreamweaver will assist your editing code, but you have to know what you are editing. This can make Dreamweaver hard to learn.

If Contribute is just a "little lacking" you might try a little enhancement first. Get a stand-alone HTML/CSS editing program (some of these are free) and tell Contribute that it is your code editor. Then whenever you think you need a little more capability you can have Contribute open the page using that editor.

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