Yeah...we all know hundreds of people who have died of second hand
smoke...oh wait, that's right there are none.  Blah.  Snobby machines for
snobby people fixed by snobs working for snobs.  Apparently these users
didn't read the snob clause when they bought their macs.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Chris Dunford <> wrote:

> > On Nov 23, 2009, at 2:28 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:
> > > And here's another funny one. Two Apple stores allegedly refused to
> > > fix broken Macs because their owners smoke, thus making the Macs
> > > "biohazards":
> >
> > Not so much "biohazards" as having the circuit boards gooped up with a
> > conductive layer of tar.
> >
> >
> >
> 10402711.html?communityId=2101&targetCommunityId=2101&blogId=71&messageId=8640348
> Yes, but that's not what the Apple boys are alleged to have said, is it?
> "[D]ue to the computer having been used in a house where there was smoking,
> that has voided the warranty and they refuse to work on the machine, due to
> 'health risks of secondhand smoke.'"
> "After five days, [Apple] apparently told [Ruth] they couldn't work on it
> because it was contaminated with cigarette smoke and was therefore a
> bio-hazard. ...  [Ruth] said she was told by someone
> named Dena that nicotine was on OSHA's list of hazardous substances."
> (Along with, as Ruth notes, chlorine, sucrose, isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen
> peroxide, and talc.)
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